Predestined Royalty

What if They Don’t Receive Me? | Hiding the Authentic You

In order to be accepted by others, I used to foolishly succumb to the standards of this society which contradicted my morals and beliefs. I would also hide my weaknesses in fear of judgement. However, I’ve grown to learn these things shape the person I am. Suppressing my core ideals, forced me to deny my most authentic self; as a result, I was living a lie.

I was under the impression that if I talked about God “too” much, I’d come across as annoying. I believed that if I shared my stance of abstinence before marriage, then others would assume that something was wrong with me as a woman. I thought that if I disclosed my past struggles with depression and anxiety, then I’d be labeled as crazy. So more often than not, I suppressed who I was and mirrored the type of person I thought others would accept.

I would only talk about God unless someone else brought Him up and even then, I’d downplay how much I knew about the word of God. I’d try to dress and sometimes act the way those around me would dress and act. Depending on who I was hanging around at a particular time, that’s who I’d mimic. I had no sense of self-identity. Even though I suppressed who I was to be more acceptable, I  ironically still felt isolated.

Yes, we all want to be accepted. No one wants to be the oddball on the outside looking in. But if there’s a detriment to your identity and you’re living a lie, is it truly worth it?

We were not created to be carbon copies of one another for the sake of acceptance. We shouldn’t feel pressured to conform to the world around us.  I concur that most times it is just easier to conform but after a while, it leaves you feeling empty and confused.

The word of God says,

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (NLT)

God uniquely designed each and everyone of us. We are all distinctively designed for a specific purpose. Nothing about who God created you to be is by mistake or accident. Our likes, dislikes, strengths, weakness, dreams, and aspirations are not by chance. God tailor-made you with divine intention.  

When we take that leap of accepting Jesus as our Lord and savior, we further tap into our identity. That identity is vastly different than the views and ideas of this world. As Christians, we are set apart and should not expect to be received by everyone. In fact, we should expect our authenticity to be rejected by many.

Jesus said that,

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you” John 15: 18-19 (NIV).

Now, I never take rejection personally. I’ve learned that if I am living in the way God wants me to live, people are not rejecting me, but they are rejecting God. I refuse to hide my most authentic self because that is exactly what this world needs. Every struggle I’ve overcame (including depression and anxiety) not only strengthened me as a person, but it’s capable of helping someone else who may be struggling.

There’s no room for me to be ashamed of my weaknesses. My weaknesses allow God’s power to rest upon me so that His glory will be revealed.

 “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me”- 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV).

Dealing with anxiety has forced me to rely on God’s strength rather than my own. In Him alone, I find peace and joy.

I am no longer ashamed of my belief in not having sex before marriage. The truth is, there are others out there who are also remaining pure before marriage. Those individuals are fully aware of the weight and power of sex. This world will trick you into believing that waiting will never work, but I have been encouraged by many kingdom-minded couples who have successfully done things the way God intended. I have even started silencing the misrepresentation of sex by guarding what I view and listen to on a regular basis. I am now grounded in my stance to uphold the righteous view of sex and purity.

I am no longer afraid to proclaim that I am a child of God. As long as I live and walk this earth, I will boast about God with every opportunity I get because He is nothing short of amazing!

If I could pressure you to do anything, I’d pressure you to be the best YOU God has created YOU to be. Don’t worry about everyone else, just be yourself. God designed you specifically for the assignment He has called you to fulfill on this earth. You were intricately crafted for your calling, specialized for your spouse, and fitted for the friends He has for you. Don’t ever be afraid to JUST BE YOU!

4 thoughts on “What if They Don’t Receive Me? | Hiding the Authentic You

  1. So good! I used to be that way too!! Hiding my self, but once I started relying on Gods peace and strength, that’s when anxiety had to flee!! Thanks so much for this reminder. Especially in times like this, we have to be our authentic true selves and come out of hiding for sure!! Thanks for this blog!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾

  2. This post was amazing! Only when we know our true identity through Christ, can we live our best life. Others may not understand or accept us but we are truly fearfully and wonderfully made. The Creator is awesome!

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