Predestined Royalty


Hi! My name is Talyssia Boyd. I’ve been raised in church my entire life and never fully grabbed hold to the truth of my identity being in Christ and Christ alone until the age of 26. Yes, I loved God but I was never confident in standing firm and voicing who I was through Him. See it’s one thing to have an idea of who you are and it’s another to fully know and believe in who you are. For so long, I unconsciously allowed societal pressures to plague aspects of my thinking process and the plaguing of my mindset led to a distorted version of myself. The ambition to become successful by societal standards only hid my need to be accepted, appreciated, and valued. All stemming from my deep-rooted insecurity of not feeling like I was good enough. My ambition ran deep and at times so deep that it had me at the point of denying who I really was and what God called me to do.

Today, I am confident in the truth of my identity being in Christ and Him alone. I am a child of THE King, therefore, my identity is not found in this world but in my heavenly Father. The one true living God. I am MORE than enough. His word ensures me that I am more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37). I was chosen by God, adopted into royalty, and I’m one of God’s special possessions (1Peter 2:9). That’s who I am. As an heir of such a prestigious priesthood, I know that my name carries weight. For this reason, I have taken a stance to proudly represent who I am and whose I am. My desire is to share my walk through this life with Christ, mistakes and all, in hopes of enabling others to confidently walk into the truth of freedom and to embrace their true identity which is found only in Christ Jesus.

Your sister in Christ,

Talyssia Boyd